Title: Beneath the Chairlift
Year: 2001
Dimensions: 38"h x 32"w x ¼"d
Metallic silk organza, silk organza, handmade and found objects
Maybe it's happened to you, or to someone you know; you're riding the chair lift at a downhill ski resort and you drop something - a glove, a ski pole, a Chapstick, a trail map, the list goes on and on. As luck would have it, you usually drop it on the steepest, rockiest part of the lift, the kind of slope skied only by the paid lunatics in a Warren Miller movie, and your precious possession is never to be seen again...except...maybe it's now in this artwork!
The geometric pattern used for the "pockets" is based on the molecular structure of water: there is a 60° angle between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms and when water crystallizes in its frozen state this same angle gives snowflakes their shape.
Details: Scroll down for detail image and more information
Detail image of: Beneath the Chairlift
Techniques: sculpting, folding, machine stitching and hand stitching
Exhibition History:
Apr 18 – May 27, 2001 33rd Annual Textile Exhibit, Olive Hyde Art Gallery, Fremont, CA
Additional info: in a private collection