Title: Natural Rhythms
Year: 2002
Dimensions: 70”h x 23”w x ¼”d
silk crepe de chine, silk dyes, wax, silk broadcloth, Indian dupioni silk, cotton batting, rayon and polyester thread.
silk painting (gutta serti and Roketsu-zome), machine quilting
If you give yourself the time at the side of a river and use your senses to take in what's around you, you will become aware of the natural rhythms all around you. Whether it's the sound or visual appearance of grasses blowing in the wind, the flow of the water or patterns of plants along the bank, all of these are natural rhythms.
June 10-24, 2005 Wax Eloquent, Arnheim and Student Life Galleries, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA.
March 5 - April 16, 2005 Sandra J. Blain Gallery, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN.
January 12 - March 1, 2004 No Swimming, Center for the Performing Arts, Mountain View, CA.
Additional info: in a private collection.