Title: Repairing the Night Sky
Year: 2002
Dimensions:35"h x 35"w x ¼"d
silk charmeuse, acid silk dyes, iridescent silk chiffon, polyester batting, rhinestones, metallic embroidery thread, rayon and polyester threads.
I am awed by the number of stars when I look at the night sky in the wilderness. Most people in the world live in cities where the stars are obscured by light pollution. Do we ever stop to think of the effect of this on our connection to the cosmos? Has our society lost sight of its place in the universe and therefore succumbed to self-centeredness and arrogance? This artwork is my wish to bring back the night sky - actually an easy problem to fix - we simply need to turn off the lights!
Details: Scroll down for detail image and more information
Detail image of: Repairing the Night Sky
Techniques: Silk Painting, fusing, trapunto, machine quilting, hand stitching
Press: this artwork appears in the following publications, click on an image below:
Exhibition History:
October 2003 in Fiberworks, at the Doiron Gallery, Sacramento, CA
January-March 2004 No Swimming, Center for the Performing Arts, Mountain View, CA.
July 31 – September 1, 2002, Transparent Trespasses, The Main Gallery, Redwood City, CA
Additional info: in a private collection