Title: Cooley Landing: Impact of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise
Year: 2015
Dimensions: each 11”h x 11”w x ¼”d
(15"h x 15"w x 1½”d framed)
Silk crepe de chine, silk broadcloth, silk Indian Doupioni, silk dyes, water soluble resist, polyester batting, rayon/viscose and polyester thread.
Sea level rise due to climate change will profoundly affect the low-lying areas around San Francisco Bay. This series of stitched paintings shows the landscape of Cooley Landing in East Palo Alto in 2015 and then with future projections (courtesy of NOAA) of 1, 3 and 5 feet of sea level rise. Areas covered in water are stitched with blue thread.
Details: Scroll down for detail image and more information
Detail of: Cooley Landing: Impact of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise
Techniques: silk painting, machine quilting
November 14, 2015 - January 22, 2016 Creative Ecology: Linda Gass–What we Discovered at Cooley Landing (solo), Palo Alto Art Center, Palo Alto, CA
February 1 - March 17, 2016 Burning Ice, Euphrat Museum, Cupertino, CA
September 19, 2019 – January 17, 2021 Fragile Blue Marble, Artik Art & Architecture, San Jose, CA