Title: Body of Water
Year: 2006
Dimensions: 30¼” h x 30” w x ¼” d
Silk crepe de chine, silk broadcloth, silk Indian Doupioni, silk dyes, gutta resist, polyester batting, rayon/viscose and polyester embroidery thread
Body of Water draws parallels between wetlands in San Francisco Bay to our human body. How are the ways in which we modify and contaminate the health of the bay water similar to how the same actions might affect the health of our own bodies? Based on an actual wetlands landscape, water channels are the color of blood and wetlands are the color of human tissues in healthy, diseased and necrotic states. Wetlands are essential to the water, fish, birds and wildlife in the bay: they filter toxins and provide habitat. They are also essential to the life of humans by providing these services as well as flood protection from rising sea level.
Details: Scroll down for detail image and more information
Detail image of: Body of Water
Techniques: silk painting, machine quilting
Press: this artwork has appeared in the following books and magazines, click on an image below:
February 12 – March 14, 2022 Fabulous Fiber, bG Gallery, Santa Monica, CA.
January 16 – August 21, 2021 Making Waves, Craft in America Center, Los Angeles, CA.
September 19, 2019 – January 17, 2021 Fragile Blue Marble, Artik Art & Architecture, San Jose, CA.
Sep 5 – Oct 30, 2014 Bird’s Eye View: Aerial Art, Gallery at 48 Natoma, Folsom, CA.
June 9-30, 2011 Reflections on Water, Katherine Nash Gallery, Minneapolis, MN.
November 4 - December 11, 2010 Sew New: Contemporary Art Quilts, OSilas Gallery, Bronxville, NY.
May 18 - June 20, 2010 Worlds, Triton Museum, Santa Clara, CA.
October 27 - November 4, 2007 A Sense of Place, Houston International Quilt Festival, Houston, TX.
March 25 - April 29, 2007 Fiber Cartography: Mapping Imagination and Experience, Brookfield Craft Center, Brookfield, CT.
October 27 - December 2, 2006 California Art Quilts California Heritage Museum, Santa Monica, CA.
June 8 – September 3, 2006 On Mapping: New Perspectives with a Common Thread, Bellevue Arts Museum, Bellevue, WA.