Title: Roots
Year: 2003
Dimensions: 29” h x 29” w x ¼” d
Silk crepe de chine, silk Indian Doupioni, acid silk dyes, wax resist, polyester batting, nylon monofilament and polyester thread.
We rely on plants to live. The roots of the plant embody the mechanism by which plants absorb water and nutrients so that they may live. This art quilt honors this delicate and intricate system so crucial to our lives.
Details: Scroll down for detail image and more information
Detail image of: Roots
Techniques: roketsu-zome silk painting and machine quilting
December 1, 2006 - February 2, 2007 Herndon Gallery, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH
April 28 - October 20, 2006 California Art Quilts, California Heritage Museum, Santa Monica, CA
September 2 - October 24, 2004 Uncommon Threads, Historic Arkansas Museum, Little Rock, AR